Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Godzilla walks out of the ocean and Thor is standing at the shore waiting.

Thor - Is thou the Midgar serpent who will send me to the eternal Valhalla?

Godzilla roars.

Thor - Does thou not recognize the son of Odin! Master of Mjolnir, the hammer that was forged by the dwarves! The God who commands the storms!

Godzilla roars.

Thor - Curse you, fowl beast! I have prepared for this day! It is Thursday or Thors-day. The day I meet my fallen kin in Valhalla, but my life will not be taken so easily, serpent. I have awaited for this day and even as a dying God, I will still deal death to thee!

Godzilla roars.

Thor - Come on dude! That was a good line! All you got is roar?! You're killing my flow here, man! I waited thousands of years for this, and all you gonna do is roar!

Godzilla - Sumimasen!

Godzilla exhales a nuclear blast and incinerates Thor.

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